Aboriginal Dream
The Aboriginal people believe that the true source of the mind is in the inspirational reality of dreams, therefore giving great reverence to their Dreamtime. They believe that the world is real, but...

Blue Corn Maiden
The myth of the Blue Corn Maiden comes from Hopi prophecy, an ancient culture that lived under ground because of earth shifts, ten thousand years ago when Atlantis sank. The Hopi know how to...

Blue Star Pe’Tanka
The language of Nature and prophecy speaks in mysterious ways to those who listen. The Sioux nation has a prophecy of a Pe’Tanka, a female White Calf Buffalo returning to this Earth again, bringing...

Black Elks Flowering Tree
"It is time; now they are calling you. Your Grandfathers all over the world are having a council, and they have called you here to teach you." His voice was very kind, but I shook all over with fear...

Grandmother Spirits
"When the Grandmothers speak, the world will heal." this beautiful Hopi prophecy stirred my heart when I first heard it. My painting of the “Grandmother Spirits” was done to raise money for direct...

Geronimo Spiritbird
Geronimo died a prisoner of war in 1909, never aloud to return to his homeland. I painted him as an elder, wise, maybe too wise to what was happening in the world as he had seen it and watched it...

Sacred Hoop
In the meaning and lore of Sacred Hoop, all Nations, Races and Religion are in harmony with each other on Earth. Holding the Sacred Four powers of the Universe in the form of Trees, the Elements, Races, colors and stages of life, the grand and infinite Circle in One. Within that One, we are all united and Creators law is recognized supreme.

End of the Highway
Original Sold

Sitting Bull Breaking the Deception
“Breaking Through DECEPTION”
"What white man can say I stole his land or a penny of his money?
What white woman was ever captive or insulted by me?
Who has seen me beat my wives or abuse my children?...